
New Zealand Course in Paediatric Radiology 

NZCPR 2020

It is my pleasure to invite you to join us in Auckland for the first “New Zealand Course in Paediatric Radiology”.  

Paediatric imaging is performed at all major centres and many private radiology groups throughout New Zealand. However, there is variable experience and comfort levels in reporting paediatric imaging. Starship has a fantastic group of paediatric radiologists, medical radiation technologists (MRTs), sonographers, paediatric radiology nurses and a play specialist who collectively have a broad and extensive experience in paediatric imaging.   

As such, we are pleased to offer New Zealand’s first inaugural New Zealand Course in Paediatric Radiology (NZCPR) aimed at registrars/fellows, general radiologists, MRTs, sonographers, radiology nurses and play specialists around New Zealand who are involving in paediatric imaging but who are not specifically trained in paediatric radiology in an effort to educate and empower our colleagues. 

I look forward to welcoming you in Auckland in 2020.

Dr Samantha Gerrie

NZCPR 2020 Convenor

*13 RANZCR CPD Points can be claimed for attendance at the New Zealand Course in Paediatric Radiology 2020

13 MRT CPD Hours can be claimed for attendance at the New Zealand Course in Paediatric Radiology 2020. If the New Zealand Course in Paediatric Radiology 2020 was partially attended, 1 CPD Hour can be claimed per hour of lectures attended.


2 September 2019 - Earlybird Registrations Open

3 January 2020  - Close of Earlybird Registrations, Standard Fees Apply