Key Dates

Submission Close: 9 June  | Authors notified: 24 June  

The organising committee cordially invites you to participate in the Annual NZDSI Conference 2024 by submitting abstracts for Oral Scientific Presentations and E-Posters. We are excited to learn about your expertise and research projects that explore novel ideas and create discussions that drive improvements in patient care. 

We encourage NZDSI members to submit papers related to their specific interests, including clinical audits, research, or case-based reports. We also warmly welcome prospective trainees and students to present their research-based talks, completed audits, or literature reviews.

The Scientific Committee will evaluate the submissions based on originality, clarity, topicality, usefulness and learning, novelty, depth, impact, and interest. Their decision is final.

Format Guidelines

1. Abstract submission must be made via the presentation portal and in the correct .doc or .docx format using the template supplied here.
2. Incorrectly formatted abstracts will not be considered for review, and you will be asked to resubmit.
3. Abstracts must not exceed 250 words (this applies to the main body of the abstract. Subheadings e.g. Introduction, Method, Results, etc., may be included if required. It excludes abstract title, authors and affiliations).
4. Oral presentations will be 15 minutes in total (including question time). 
5. Presentation time allocation: A presentation time allocation may be requested, but this cannot be guaranteed and is at the discretion of the    Organising Committee.
6. Posters will be viewed on-site electronically at the conference venue. Guidelines will be provided by the conference managers.
7. Oral and e-poster presentations will be selected from the submitted abstracts, and the reviewer’s decision is final.
8. Abstracts should be informative: hence they need to contain data.
9. Statements such as ‘results will be discussed’ should be avoided. Poor abstracts will not be published. This is solely at the discretion of the Abstract Editor - there are no appeals. 
10. Suitable abstracts will be published in the Australasian Journal of Dermatology post-conference.
11.  Abstracts must comply with the requirements to be published
12.  All accepted presenting authors must pay and register to attend the conference in Dunedin.

Turnbull Hodge Award

If you are one of the six eligible applicants for the Turnbull Hodge Award, please complete the submission process. When prompted to submit an abstract, upload a Word document with only the title of your abstract and authors listed. You must submit the full abstract to the Conference Managers by 21 July for inclusion in on-site material. 1st or 2nd year trainees only are eligible.